18–21 Apr 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Invited speakers

Dr Stanisław Jastrzębski

Dear Participants, we are pleased to announce our first guest, dr Stanisław Jastrzębski, the Chief Technology Officer and Chief Scientist at Molecule.one.

Dr Jastrzębski's scientific interests revolve around deep learning and its applications to various fields of science. He obtained his PhD in computer science at the Jagiellonian University, followed by a post-doc at the New York University. Currently, dr Jastrzębski and his team run a biotech startup, Molecule.one, which combines machine-learning with drug discovery.

Their research is focused on optimizing medicines production, especially on making the process more efficient. Dr Jastrzębski also helps to select AI startups for investment as a Venture Advisor at the Expeditions Fund. 

You can find more information about the work of dr Jastrzębski on his website: sjastrzebski.com

DSc Piotr Łukasik

The time has come to announce our second guest - DSc Piotr Łukasik! 

DSc Piotr Łukasik is the leader of the Symbiosis Evolution Group at the Jagiellonian University. His research is focused on understanding broad patterns of the microbial diversity across insects.

DSc Piotr Łukasik obtained his master's degree in Mathematical and Natural Sciences and Biology from the Jagiellonian University. He did his PhD at the University of Oxford, where he studied endosymbiotic bacteria of aphids. During his post-doc he worked at Drexel University, and the University of Montana in the US, and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba, Japan.

As a Researcher at the Swedish Museum of Natural History he worked on the Insect Biome Atlas. In 2019 he founded the Symbiosis Evolution Group at Jagiellonian University, where he leads research addressing some of the major challenges in the field of insect symbiosis.

You can find further information about DSc Piotr Łukasik at his website: https://symbio.eko.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/staff/piotr-lukasik

Dr Adam Ciesielski

Dear participants, we are pleased to announce that our next invited guest will be Dr. Adam Ciesielski from the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw. He conducts interdisciplinary research in the fields of Gravity, Tides, and Inverse Problems (in ML). 

Doctor Ciesielski obtained his master’s degree in Interdisciplinary studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Jagiellonian University. While his main field of study was Astronomy he also took strong interests in Mathematics and Meteorology. Already during his bachelor's studies, he completed an internship at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences, which resulted in a publication on the study of stability of black-hole accretion disks. For a year and a half, he worked on a project at the University of Amsterdam that aimed to explain the phenomenon of jet generation using tidal disturbances, and AGN and GRB nonlinear modeling. 

In 2018-2023, he completed his PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany where he focused on developing a new approach to the Earth tide analysis (new RATA software, to be released soon). He gained experience with singular value decomposition (SVD), regularization in inverse problems (machine learning), time series analysis, signal processing and control theory. Since December, Dr. Ciesielski also works at the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw. 

Prof. Małgorzata Brindell

Dear participants, we are excited to announce you our next guest - prof. Małgorzata Brindell, working as a professor in the Coordination and Bioinorganic Physicochemistry Group at Jagiellonian University.

Prof. Brindell obtained her PhD in Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University and completed a post-doc at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at Erlangen-Nurberg University. Her initial studies covered kinetics and reaction mechanisms of platinum and ruthenium complexes with biological-origin structures. Currently she applies her knowledge in related topics to study cancer treatment and cancer diagnosis. Prof. Brindell supports her reaserch with various methods including spectroscopy, chromatography and in vitro methods.

For further information about prof. Brindell visit her webpage: https://chembiomedlab.chemia.uj.edu.pl/

Dr Marek Noga

We are delighted to announce our next speaker – Dr Marek Noga!

Dr Marek Noga is a research scientist in the Clinical Genetics group at the Maastrich University, Netherlands. Research led there covers subjects such as reproductive genetics, cardiogenetics or oncogenetics.

Doctor Noga finished his master’s studies in Mathematical and Natural Sciences and Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University. He then went on to complete his PhD in the development of 2D-nanoLC-MS methods for quantitative proteomics. Subsequently, he worked as a research scientist at the Leiden University and lab manager at the Delft University of Technology. He did his post-doc at Radboud University Medical Center.

Currently Dr. Marek Noga works at the Clinical Genetics group at the Maastrich university. In his research he worked on subjects such as miniaturized methods for metabolite identification or LC-MS methods for identification and quantitation of polar metabolites.

Prof. Michał P. Heller

We are glad to announce the next guest at our conference - prof. Michal P. Heller!

Prof. Michal P. Heller is a specialist in the field of theoretical physics. In his research he focuses on emergent phenomena in the quantum fields theory. Using tools from quantum information science he explores topics such as quantum gravity. 

Prof. Heller obtained his master's degree at the Jagiellonian University, where he also did his PhD. He then went on to do a post-doc at the University of Amsterdam, where he conducted research on string theory and high energy particles. Afterwards he worked at the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Warsaw, the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, and the Max Planck institute in Potsdam. He is currently employed at the Ghent University in Belgium, where he leads research on quantum gravity and quantum field theory.

You can find further information about prof. Michal P. Heller on his website - https://hepth.ugent.be/#research