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RL Coffee

Simon Hirlander (University of Salzburg (AT)), Catherine Laflamme (Fraunhofer Austria)

Welcome to the RL Coffee!

The "RL Coffee" is an inspiring gathering for enthusiasts of the Reinforcement Learning (RL) community who share a passion for discovering and sharing new ideas, techniques and advances in this exciting field of Artificial Intelligence. We envision this as an informal but content-rich event where participants can present and discuss their knowledge and experiences in a friendly and supportive environment.

How it works:

Presentations: Each "RL Coffee" event provides short presentations where participants can share their current work, interesting studies or innovative projects. The presentations should provide a broad overview of the topic and stimulate discussion.
Interaction: Besides the presentations, we emphasise discussions and exchanging ideas. It's a great opportunity to get feedback, ask questions and connect with like-minded people.


Planning: To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to present, we ask that interested participants book a "slot" for a future presentation. Please select the date that suits you.

One of us will be taking on the first hour of content to kick things off. We have already chosen the topic and look forward to sharing and discussing it with you. It's an excellent opportunity to set the tone for future meetings and show what we hope to get out of these gatherings.

We are excited about the opportunity to foster this community and look forward to sharing many fascinating perspectives and insights. We hope you'll join us to learn, discover and inspire together


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